Her story - fjallkonan.is  

The fjallkonan.is website provides insights into the history of women in Iceland from 1874 to the present day. The creation of the website has arisen from the participation of the Reykjavík Museum in the European project Making Women’s History Visible in Europe , which has received funding from the European Union Socrates – Grundtvig 2 educational programme. Staff of the Reykjavík Museum felt it was appropriate at the beginning of a new century to use a new medium to present information on the history of women in Iceland, in order to promote interest and to encourage women and men to further studies in the field. The website, which is in both Icelandic and English, is linked to the websites of other museums and agencies participating in the project, which are in Denmark, Germany, Austria, Spain and Greece.

During the creation of the website, interviews were taken with women of various ages and social backgrounds. Quotations from the interviews appear on the website, while the interviews are preserved in their entirety at the Reykjavík Museum.


The Web is designed forr Internet Explorer, Flash and Windows Media Player



  English version, click here... Thanks Resources EU Programme (c)2005 Reykjavik Museum